Tri - color rough  13"
Foxhall Skipper X Brandywine Roulette 

He has certainly got cute down pat!
Oak Run 
King's Ransom
"Ransom" on his Throne
Ransom is Co-owned with my friend, Karen Dunn.To view more of Ransom and his farm buddies .....Click on  
We have high hopes for Ransom.  He comes from some of the finest breeding in the US and Britian. His grandfather Garon Sailor was British National Champion.  His dam's father Fox Run Rivet has won many working championships and best family at the National.
Garon Sailor x The Hollow  Tesoro  X  Fox Run Rivet x  Conquest Ruthless 

           Ransom was P.H.S.T.A 
Reserve Champion 6-12 month puppy!
Mick at a photo shoot "Underdog"
Winner of his conformation class at                 National's 2004 
Mousemoor "Mick"
    Cerf Clean in Jan 2010 at 9 years  
I am so proud of this boy!.  I have 3 generations behind him that are still competing.  He comes from an all around family background. They compete in agility, racing, GTG and conformation. His grandmother and great grandmother hold Therapy certifcates.
  He shows great promise in the field, already entering the earth.
 Baer & Cerf tested
Mother, grandmother, great grandmother all cerf clean in 2010
More pictures of Mick from National's
Click the rat for pictures of Mick in the field!
Mick also knows how to have fun!
Mick at 8yrs. winning his Rally ARCHX title
 In Obedience - Waiting for a command!